A note from Mel Saari …
Hi cycling friends,
As I stare down yet another birthday I decided it’s time to take care of one of the big items that’s been on my bucket list for a while. Therefore I enrolled in the two-day Ride to Conquer Cancer, presented by Silver Wheaton and benefiting the BC Cancer Foundation.
Along with my team mates from the Cyclepath Cyclotrons and thousands of other cyclists, I will be making a 200 Km ride from Vancouver BC to Seattle WA on August 29-30, 2015. All proceeds will go to the BC Cancer Foundation to support cancer research, treatment, and services. BC Cancer Foundation is a leading comprehensive institution devoted to cancer research and care. The work they’re doing is cutting-edge and will help cancer patients world-wide.
As I’ve agreed to raise at least $2,500, please consider making a donation in support of my ride. You can use the link at the bottom of this email to visit my personal webpage to donate online or request a donation form. Any donations large & small would be most welcome. Canadian Tax receipts are available for all donations over $10.00.
Also if you know of anyone else who might be interested in supporting my ride please send them my website link.
Statistics show that over 45% of men and 40% of women will develop cancer in their lifetime, and 1 in 4 Canadians will die of cancer. That’s why I’m riding. To do something worthwhile in the battle against this difficult disease while I still can. I hope that you’ll share in this adventure by supporting my fundraising efforts.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Mel Saari
My personal page:
Cyclepath Cyclotrons:
Nice looking pump :)
Also: Common beginner mistakes
And since it is Bike to Work Week, we should all be cycling to work! Here are some tips …
New start time for BEEZ ride!
Starting Sunday, May 24 (if it’s dry!), we will leave the Bean Scene on Dickson Road at
9 AM!
Please let others know. A short reminder of the rules: No passing on the right, hands on the handlebars at all times, no one gets dropped and always stay for coffee after !
Which type of “tired” were you on the last long ride?
Avid cyclist wants your help!
May 6, 2015
Dear Friends and Family:
Since 2008, while riding to raise funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society, I have covered over 1,200 kms and have had your support to raise over $10,000 ! These are big numbers, yet I have had the help of my friends and family, for which……I think every mile of the way about how persons with M S decline over time, lose independence, and leave occupations, sports and diversions. I will ride until M S is ended.
Why is all this riding so important to the M S Society? Last year, 2014, in the Calgary Chapter alone, over $700,000 was raised through the personal energies of volunteers. With that, funding was made available to assist persons with M S in easing their difficulties, and funding was made to advance research into the causes and potentials for cures of this progressive disease. More is learned every day about the understanding of neurotransmission, immune system function, and muscle performance. The gain in basic knowledge will be forever. More information about vitamin therapies, physiotherapies and other approaches will assist many with M S.
On Saturday June 13, 2015, I will again join with over 500 riders for our Bike Tour. We will start from Airdrie and ride in the beauty of the prairies and through towns such as Carstairs, Crossfield, and Didsbury, until, 80 km later, we reach Olds where we rest for the evening. On the 14th we will re-trace our route to Airdrie and we will be amazed at the trip we have made. We have so much help from the volunteers and communities; we have so much fun together; we give to help others. We need your support. The M S Society will benefit, as will persons with M S, and we all will benefit through awareness and research.
Please pledge support for my ride with a generous donation by cheque made out to:
M S SOCIETY-BIKE TOUR and sent by mail to: P O Box 1343, Banff, AB, T1L 1B3.
OR: Online as follows:
Google->ms bike tour 2015->Airdrie to Olds->”DONATE” (top of the page)->
->search for a participant (me)->SEARCH-> use the secure path provided.
Thank you for your generous support. I’ll be glad to ride for you again!
Bruce Anderson
Tone it up
A few pounds to shed? Get on your bike. More often. Here are some tips …
And some suggestions for exercises to get faster on the bike …
Happy riding!
Good readings!
A few samples of good readings for cyclists … yes, you!!
2 stretching routines to reduce lower back pain – We all need this one …
Reminder of basic group riding skills – Also remember that we NEVER pass on the right!
Thoughts cyclists have while riding – Finishing off with a funny read …
Great day on the bike!

Thanks to everyone who came out today to ride with us. I think we counted 33 riders as we were leaving … I hope every rider got the ride they wanted, and we would love to see you out again.
Just a reminder of the two rules we have for the Beez rides:
- No passing on the right. Ever.
- We do not drop anyone. Some delays may occur because of this but it is the safest way to ride as a group.
Looking forward to a summer of riding!
And don’t forget: Wednesday rides are starting this week! Meet at 5pm at Kelowna Cycle. Conversational 35km ride.