Reminder: We need the bike corridor!

Please see the note from Heather Stewart below and make sure to add your voice to this project!!


This is really important additional corridor for cyclists, hikers and walkers to go from Kelowna to Vernon. It also has the potential to address a cycling pathway to UBCO.

We have a wonderful opportunity to have a rail trail from Kelowna to Vernon if the current bid to continue it as a railway does not go forward. It currently looks unlikely that it will continue to operate as a railway.
We need 30,000 support emails within the next 6 weeks, to convince the politicians that there is support for this initiative. We would very much appreciate having you add a link on your site, to encourage individuals to go to the following link, and add a very short message of support. It takes less than 1 minute.
If you need any more info, let me know. Thanks
Heather Stewart, Owner Sage Transitions

Waiver and Safety Rules

To view the content of the Kelowna Killer Beez website, you must read and agree to the following Waiver and Safety Rules that apply to all our rides. Compliance with these rules and the signing of an annual waiver is mandatory in order to participate in our group rides.

  • You are riding at your own risk!
  • All road rules and traffic signals must be followed.
  • A helmet must be worn. It’s the law.
  • You should have liability insurance to cover any potential accidents.
  • All participants must ride single file and in bike lanes where available.
  • Highly visible clothing should be worn at all times while riding.
  • Pass only on the left when it is safe to do so. Passing or pulling up to riders on their right is not permitted.
  • Use of headphones or cell phones while riding is not permitted.

By clicking “AGREE” you acknowledge that you ride at your own risk and comply with the safety rules.