Two “Special” Rides

Michael, always in search of more kilometres to ride 🙂 is announcing the following rides:

August 10 2014: Ride to Armstrong and back (from Kelowna). Start at the Bean Scene on Dickson Road (regular Sunday starting point) at 8am. It’s about 160km. Click here to see the route and profile.

August 17, 2014: Modified Ironman course ride from Skaha Parking Lot in Penticton (without the out-and-back that Ironman competitors ride). Distance is 147km. Click here to see the route and profile. Meet at Starbucks on Louie Drive in West Kelowna for carpooling (please more than one rider per car!), or be at Skaha Lake parking lot on Cypress Street ready to ride at 9am.

For all questions, please contact Michael at [email protected]

Group Ride Reminder

And because all the details are so far down the blog, and I get asked regularly about the group ride details, here they are again:

Wednesday, 5pm, from Kelowna Cycle. 35-40km, leisurely pace.

Saturday, 9:15am, from Kelowna Cycle. 40-50km, not too fast.

Sunday, 9am, Bean Scene Headquarters on Dickson Road. 60-70km, a good workout!

The Westsiders ride on Fridays, starting at 9 am from Starbucks on Louis Drive. Hilly.

Waiver and Safety Rules

To view the content of the Kelowna Killer Beez website, you must read and agree to the following Waiver and Safety Rules that apply to all our rides. Compliance with these rules and the signing of an annual waiver is mandatory in order to participate in our group rides.

  • You are riding at your own risk!
  • All road rules and traffic signals must be followed.
  • A helmet must be worn. It’s the law.
  • You should have liability insurance to cover any potential accidents.
  • All participants must ride single file and in bike lanes where available.
  • Highly visible clothing should be worn at all times while riding.
  • Pass only on the left when it is safe to do so. Passing or pulling up to riders on their right is not permitted.
  • Use of headphones or cell phones while riding is not permitted.

By clicking “AGREE” you acknowledge that you ride at your own risk and comply with the safety rules.