Fellow Beez!
With Peter’s help, we have now implemented a waiver for our group rides that is available on the website. Everybody who wants to ride with the group in Kelowna and around the Okanagan (out-of-town special rides) needs to fill out this waiver once a season.
For 2023, please go to:
and enter your information. If you are not already part of the mailing list (you get a notification when a new blog post is published), you will get added to it unless you opt out. A few of us will have access to a master list of registered riders that is available on our phones so we will check this list against riders showing up for any of the rides.
So please don’t delay and fill this out today – it only takes a few seconds!
If you are not on this list, you will not be able to join any group rides!
In addition, implementing this meant we had to use Peter’s IT skills and time, which is what he does for a living and therefore we incurred some costs. All the rest of the work on the website so far has been completed by volunteers (and domain costs paid) but we ask you this time to contribute a small amount to this necessary website upgrade.
Please send an Interac/email transfer to [email protected] for $10 and we will collect these contributions to reimburse Graham.
Thank you!