Article on what can go wrong with our bodies while cycling …
One more time: Can anyone help this guy out?
Hi Beez! I received the following note from a cyclist from the UK. If you do have a decent road bike that you can lend/rent out for just a day or two, please contact Tim – I know he would be so thankful and appreciative. I hope we can help our friends from the UK!!!
“An unusual request from me here in London, England. My brother Dave has qualified for the GB team (age group 60-65) for the world sprint duathlon championships in Penticton on 19th August. We’re trying to source a road bike locally for him. Mainly so that he does not have to bring his own from the UK and then transport it all around BC on his ensuing holiday. I offered to make contact with local cycling clubs to see if it might be possible to borrow or hire a suitable bike?
Dave needs a 56 or 58 cm road bike, carbon, preferably with carbon wheels. He’d need to pick up (Kelowna, Penticton) on Friday 18th latest, though we are in Kelowna a few days before, the race is about 45 min early on Saturday morning , and deliver it back Saturday afternoon/Sunday.
I know it’s a lot to ask, Dave and I are regular cyclists and take great care of our own road bikes, but just wondered if there is someone out there who’d let their pride and joy go for a short while. Dave has competed in the world championships several times now- he’s not going to win it, but best placed so far has been 11th, which to be honest most of us would be pretty pleased with.
As it happens, we lived in Kelowna back in centennial year, 1967 and have wonderful childhood memories, so we will be returning for a good look around after 50 years, and have rented a house for a week with a third brother and partners/family.”
Tim – [email protected]
MS Bike – Okanagan Experience
From Luella Cousins ([email protected]):
I thought your members may be interested in a great two-day, fully supported, fundraising cycling event in Kelowna; the MS Bike – Okanagan Experience.
As always, the ride weekend includes meals, snacks, fully mapped and marked routes, on-route mechanical support, and complimentary wine tastings at rest stops.
New this year is a 100km route that I think your members will especially enjoy.
The ride will be held on September 9-10 and cyclists can register at Right now the registration fee is only $50 but will increase to $70 on August 1st.
If you have any questions, concerns or require more information you can contact me at [email protected] or call 1-800-268-7582, Local. 7262.
Mable Lake Ride July 22
About the ride: There are two start points: Coldstream and Lumby. The ride from Coldstream to Lumby is along Hwy 6, from Lumby to Mable Lake is along a rural road used by people going to Mable Lake provincial park or local farmers. It is essentially a ‘no thru’ road so traffic is usually light, it is quite scenic. At Mable lake there is a small store with limited food selection right in the park. this is an out and back ride.
Start time 9 am from Coldstream or 10 am from Lumby.
From Coldstream: the start point will be on Kalamalka Road, just a short distance past the beach at the tennis courts. Round trip 122 kms. (open the link)
From Lumby: the start point will be at the grocery store parking lot, in town on the hwy. Round trip 76 kms (open the link)
If we have a good turn out, we may create two groups, last year we had close to 30 riders. We can sort this out in Lumby.
Please open the following links:
From coldstream:
From Lumby
Any questions, contact Bob Perra [email protected]
New Start Time!
Starting Sunday, July 9, the Killer Beez Sunday ride will start at 8AM!
Ride before the heat gets you …
MIPS Helmets
A fellow Bee has sent in this article on MIPS helmets …
[picture from]
Don’t stop cycling …
No reason to ever quit cycling … this man proves it.
Just ignore the coffee comment 🙂
Please read – maybe you can help!
Hi Beez! I received the following note from a cyclist from the UK. If you do have a good road bike that you can lend/rent out for just a day or two, please contact Tim – I know he would be so thankful and appreciative. I hope we can help our friends from the UK!!!
“An unusual request from me here in London, England. My brother Dave has qualified for the GB team (age group 60-65) for the world sprint duathlon championships in Penticton on 19th August. We’re trying to source a road bike locally for him. Mainly so that he does not have to bring his own from the UK and then transport it all around BC on his ensuing holiday. I offered to make contact with local cycling clubs to see if it might be possible to borrow or hire a suitable bike?
Dave needs a 56 or 58 cm road bike, carbon, preferably with carbon wheels. He’d need to pick up (Kelowna, Penticton) on Friday 18th latest, though we are in Kelowna a few days before, the race is about 45 min early on Saturday morning , and deliver it back Saturday afternoon/Sunday.
I know it’s a lot to ask, Dave and I are regular cyclists and take great care of our own road bikes, but just wondered if there is someone out there who’d let their pride and joy go for a short while. Dave has competed in the world championships several times now- he’s not going to win it, but best placed so far has been 11th, which to be honest most of us would be pretty pleased with.
As it happens, we lived in Kelowna back in centennial year, 1967 and have wonderful childhood memories, so we will be returning for a good look around after 50 years, and have rented a house for a week with a third brother and partners/family.”
Tim – [email protected]
Summerland Ride June 23
On Friday June 23 – weather permitting – we would like to go on a ride in Summerland. It is a very nice 60KM ride.
We will meet in Summerland on Kelly Ave at the Summerland Middle School so we can start the ride at 09:00AM.
If possible, please car pool or make the ride longer and ride from West Kelowna.
Hope to see you there.