Because the temperatures are cooler tomorrow and most people prefer a 9am start, we will leave it at the regular start time of 9am for tomorrow, Sept 13. Will decide then where to go ….
Original post: If you’re interested in doing a longer ride tomorrow (Sunday Sept 13), meet at 8am at the Bean Scene on Dickson to repeat the Predator Ridge ride (about 88km, out and back to Predator from OK Centre, back through Glenmore). No highway. No drop.
New start time West Kelowna Friday ride
From tomorrow, August 28, the West Kelowna Friday ride will be starting at 9am. Meet at Starbucks on Louie Drive for a hilly morning jaunt.
It’s easy …
Just don’t stop! Here’s why …
You think you’re riding “hills”?
Sunday Ride August 9
We thought we should ride to Predator Ridge again this coming Sunday! Westside Road is still under construction so “Around the Lake” won’t work.
We will be leaving at 8am from the Bean Scene to do the roughly 84km ride (map here) through Glenmore, OK Centre and Carr’s Landing to the entrance to Predator Ridge Resort. We will then turn around and ride back down the hill, and take the ridge road to Winfield after passing through Carr’s Landing again (no highway).
Of course, coffee after …
More interesting stuff …
Courtesy of Geoff: Bike Safety
Mona found this: Why do they ride in the middle of the road?
And new gear: A bike helmet with brake lights!
Tuesday Roadie/MTB fun :)
Turn up the volume and start here!
Support safe cycling in Kelowna
and honour a local cyclist we lost last week.
Join the ride on Friday at 6pm to support safer cycling in our town.
One always needs a new bike …
Here is a great review of some options …
And if you’re looking for some amazing Century rides (in the US), consider this list …
Head south for one of these exciting Century rides …
There are many to choose from but this list presents a few highlights!