Beez in Oyama

We had a wonderful ride yesterday, going out Glenmore to Winfield, and then on the old Highway 97 to Oyama. Perfect temperature to ride, great company for coffee after! (Paul, Alistair, Warren and Larry missing in this picture!)

It would be great if we would get more pictures of any 2014 rides. If you happen to have your phone with you and manage to snap some good pictures of the group, please forward them to me for posting.




Green Mountain Ride June 8

We will be doing one of our favourites, the Green Mountain ride, next Sunday June 8. Meet at 8am at Starbucks in West Kelowna on Louie Drive, or at 9am in the Skaha Lake parking lot.

The ride is about 90km, up Apex, through the valley, up to Twin Lakes golf course and back through Ok Falls. Some challenging hills but very scenic. Let me know if you have questions.

Loss of a loved bike …

Okay, so maybe Kelowna isn’t QUITE New York City. But I know thefts are on the rise here as well.

This is a good read – scary, eye-opening, touching since we all love our bikes – giving you a glimpse into the world of “bike crime”. And sweet revenge.

Paceline and other stuff …

Now that we are enjoying warm weather and regular group rides, a reminder about paceline behavior is appropriate. Please review this article, and even though we don’t do rotating pacelines at high speeds very often, most points in this article apply to every regular ride.

Also please remember for all group rides to never pass on the right – something that almost always causes crashes. Instead, always pass on the left and make sure to alert other riders if they drift too far to the left for you to pass safely.

Some other good reads:

Should you stand on climbs?

How to adjust the fit of your helmet

Pros and Cons for 5 power meters

Tips for braking in the rain

If you haven’t done so, please take 1 minute for this!

Great News! As of today 5,814 people have sent in their message of support. The benefits of protecting this corridor are many, including providing safe bicycle access access to UBCO (picture shows Hwy 97 rail underpass). A detailed study of all benefits will be completed this month.
In an effort to help gain more support, we have added some resources to the website ( to help explain the benefits. The benefits study will be posted here when completed. There is also a flyover presentation of images taken from an airplane of the railway (thanks to a volunteer with flying and photography skills). It is well worth checking to see the magnitude of the beauty of this corridor.

As of today no operator for the railway has provide a feasible plan to continue operations of the railway. There are only 3 more weeks before this period ends and the offer to governments begins. Please continue to spread the word and have people visit the website to send their message of what future they would like see here in the Okanagan.

Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative

New Monday Ride – starts today May 12!

Lawrence is encouraging riders to join him on Monday afternoons for a ride. Here are the details:

Starting May 12: Monday Ride.  Meet at 5.30 pm at Kelowna Cycle.  If there is a hard or long ride on Sunday, this will be a recovery ride (30-35 km, heart rate in recovery zone).  If the Sunday ride is a moderate ride, then this will also be a moderate ride of 50 km.  NO DROP.

Email him if you have questions: [email protected]

Reminder: Our Sunday Beez rides are starting at 9am now (from the Bean Scene headquarters on Dickson Road).

Sunday Beez ride update

Next Sunday, May 4, the regular Beez ride will start at 10am and cover about 60km.

After that, from May 11, we will be starting at 9am. For all Sunday rides, meet at the Bean Scene Headquarters on Dickson Road by the Landmark buildings.

And … Wednesday rides!

Plenty of daylight is now available to start our Wednesday rides. Meet at 5pm in front of Kelowna Cycle, and we will leave promptly at 5:05pm. Sunset coffee afterwards. This social ride averages 35km around East Kelowna.

Waiver and Safety Rules

To view the content of the Kelowna Killer Beez website, you must read and agree to the following Waiver and Safety Rules that apply to all our rides. Compliance with these rules and the signing of an annual waiver is mandatory in order to participate in our group rides.

  • You are riding at your own risk!
  • All road rules and traffic signals must be followed.
  • A helmet must be worn. It’s the law.
  • You should have liability insurance to cover any potential accidents.
  • All participants must ride single file and in bike lanes where available.
  • Highly visible clothing should be worn at all times while riding.
  • Pass only on the left when it is safe to do so. Passing or pulling up to riders on their right is not permitted.
  • Use of headphones or cell phones while riding is not permitted.

By clicking “AGREE” you acknowledge that you ride at your own risk and comply with the safety rules.