Special Ride July 14

From Michael: This Sunday, July 14, we will go on a ride in Summerland, about 55-60K. Some will ride to Summerland and back too.

We will meet at Starbucks in West Kelowna on Louie Drive at 08:00am for the ride to Summerland. In Summerland we will meet at 09:45 on Kelly Ave by the Summerland Middle School.

Hope to see you there. Michael

Special Ride July 7

From Michael:

On Sunday July 07. we are going on very nice ride to Mabel Lake. We leave from Coldstream to Lumby to Mabel Lake and back, about 120km. We will meet at Starbucks at the mall by Chapters at 08:15am or in Coldstream on Kalamalka Rd at Lavista Park at 09:00am.

Hope that the weather will cooperate. There is a small store with some basics at Mabel Lake. There is also the option of starting in Lumby for those that would prefer a 70 km round trip; we would still meet at Starbucks or Lavista Park as per the email below.

Michael    [email protected]

Know How to Ride a Paceline

Due to recent events, we thought it would be an appropriate time to review the “art” of riding in a paceline. This should only ever done if you are comfortable riding close and trust the people around you.  Please review the summary below (by one of our members). Please remember: If you want to join the Beez and Saturday rides, we expect you to follow the riding rules so that you and the other riders around you are safe at all times. That includes knowing hand signals, keeping your bike tuned and working well as well as respecting the car traffic around us.

One BIGGIE 😉 is passing etiquette. As a reminder: NEVER ever pass on the right. No exceptions. There might be space but it is never safe as the rider you are passing might have drifted to the left to avoid obstacles but always assumes that he/she can use the space to the right. If there is traffic coming from behind, you will have to wait to pass. Even when we are on quiet roads or people are chatting or getting ready to stop, NEVER EVER pass on the right. You might want to communicate that you need space to pass but riders will not expect you coming up on their right.

Here is the paceline summary (response to one rider’s comments):

“I was interested in your understanding of the protocol of riding in a paceline … interested and concerned, because some of your ideas are fundamentally opposite to the protocol that is followed by local riders, which is scary because I , or one of my friends, may be riding in a pace line with you some day soon, and if we are not all on the same page, chaos will result.

Attached is a link to an article which describes the procedure for the lead rider to follow when relinquishing the lead in a pace line: To peel left, decelerate, and allow the following riders to pass on the right. Left unsaid in the article, but understood among locals, is that you should signal your intention to give up the lead in advance: Usually with a flick of the arm, along with a check for traffic, and then the move to the left and decelerate,which allows the other riders to move past you on the right.

The article also mentions that you should not focus on the wheel ahead, but should be looking ahead of the next rider, so that you can anticipate and react to traffic and other conditions that are developing ahead of the pace line leader, which would obviously allow you to see the leaders signal , and take appropriate action.

Michael will be the first to acknowledge that he and his cycling buddies ride a “raceline”, not a paceline, and their usual procedure is for the leader to stay in front, and not relinquish his position until he starts to tire and slow down, at which time those following attempt to pass him on the left. This procedure is ok, but only as long as every participant in that group knows what is happening, and buys in.

But it is important to realize that this “raceline” procedure is fundamentally contrary to the paceline procedures followed by the cycling community at large, and that it is inherently dangerous to introduce that procedure into a normal paceline.

http://www.randonneurs.bc.ca/toolbox/paceline.html   ”

Another great article on Group Ride Etiquette is found here.

Summer Sunday Rides

Just to eliminate any confusion that might have started: We will continue to ride at 9am from the Bean Scene on Dickson (Landmark). Bernard is more “parking challenged” than before, and our new start location is safe, it eliminates the highway crossings, it has plenty of space to park as well as have coffee after (inside and outside). See you there!

Great bike for sale!

If you’re looking to update your “ride” but don’t want to spend a fortune, consider Robin’s offer below:

Cervelo S5, 2012 model. Team frame set and seat post. 56 cm. FSA K force lite crank set 53/39, 175mm.

Price: $3,300. Contact for more information and questions: Robin at [email protected]

REMINDER: Green Mountain Ride June 9

Weather permitting (contact Michael at 250-769-3029), there will be a Green Mountain Ride on Sunday, June 9. The ride is about 90km. Meeting point will be at Starbucks in West Kelowna on Louie Drive at 8 am,  or in Penticton at the Skaha Lake parking lot for the 9 am start.

Don’t forget water, food and sunscreen (refilling possible at Twin Lakes golf course about half way into the ride). Let’s hope that we will need the sunscreen!

Salmon Arm Century Ride

The registration for the Salmon Arm Century Ride has started (today, at 6 am). Just like the OSCR ride, it fills up quickly so if you’re interested in riding it this year (September 14), be quick to register. You can choose between distances ranging from 10km to 100km. All are very scenic!


Waiver and Safety Rules

To view the content of the Kelowna Killer Beez website, you must read and agree to the following Waiver and Safety Rules that apply to all our rides. Compliance with these rules and the signing of an annual waiver is mandatory in order to participate in our group rides.

  • You are riding at your own risk!
  • All road rules and traffic signals must be followed.
  • A helmet must be worn. It’s the law.
  • You should have liability insurance to cover any potential accidents.
  • All participants must ride single file and in bike lanes where available.
  • Highly visible clothing should be worn at all times while riding.
  • Pass only on the left when it is safe to do so. Passing or pulling up to riders on their right is not permitted.
  • Use of headphones or cell phones while riding is not permitted.

By clicking “AGREE” you acknowledge that you ride at your own risk and comply with the safety rules.