Please have a look at Claudio’s pictures and read his story below:
My name is Claudio Incrocci. I am fairly new to the group and cycling. You might see me at the beginning of each ride but I am still not fast enough to finish with the group but an honor to be just a small part of it.

I want to tell you my story because if anyone says they can’t cycle and can’t do it, you can share my story. Eighteen months ago I could hardly spin an indoor bike at zero resistance. I lost 40 pounds just to be able to ride outside and lost a total of 70 pounds.
Fourteen months ago I started to ride outside when my daughter got me to do the “Bike to Work Week”. It took me 20 minutes to do my first 5km, and each day of BTWW it took 3 hours to do most of the stations of the day. I won the individual rider class for most participation and kilometers, and won a free month at Steve Nash Fitness. My daughter got me to do the MS Ride last September. I didn’t get much training last summer because of all the smoke. We did a few 25km to 35km rides. I was very slow and my daughter had to wait for me a few times and I had to rest a few times up each hill. I used my free month at the gym for spin classes and got me ready for the MS Ride.
I did the 53km first day MS Ride and 52 km (mostly hills) second day MS Ride. I made it both days and at the top of those hills the second day. I wanted to do the 105km first day MS Ride this year (now shortened to 72km), so I wanted to push myself this year. I did 4 months of spin classes and my first ride this year was with the Kelowna Killer Beez and I did 71.5 km. Since then I have done charity rides of 50km, 100km and 118km, and I also did the Great Cycle Challenge and the 160.9km Grand Fondo .
The MS Ride got me going and inspired me to continue. The Kelowna Killer Beez inspired me to want to do better. I have been training very hard for a novice cyclist. It can be very intimidating at first and hard to fit in with any group but slowly any of us can become a good cyclist. Last year I got smiles but this year I get the wave and nod, so I know I’m on the right path. I also need more cyclist friends on Facebook.

I donated a lot of money to charity rides of all kinds for the love of cycling. I need your help to fundraise for Multiple Sclerosis for my MS Ride on September 7 and 8, 2019. Every day 3 or more Canadians get diagnosed with MS. Any amount will be appreciated and $20.00 and up gets you an official tax receipt. You can be totally anonymous if you would prefer.
Thank you for any donations you can give. You can click on my link or copy and paste, and then click Donate on my personal page below.
Thank you